Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The NBA... it's Faaaaaaaaannnnnntastic!

Apparently Eugene and his brothers were goofing around about the new NBA slogan of "Where Amazing Happens" and how other words or phrases are substituted for "Amazing." For example, "The NBA... Where Playoff Drama Happens" or whatever. Of course, they not only butchered the slogan on the surface, but they also drove a stake through the heart of it. Furthermore, I couldn't let this opportunity pass by without adding my two cents, so here we go...

The NBA...
where on-court mini-people/mini-bus tours happen
where good fundamentals happen
where no college education happens
where fake injuries happens
where Bill Walker happens
where people read good happens
where strip-club shootouts happen
where caring (for the size of your paycheck) happens
where choking your coach happens
where a player stars in all-time classic films as Kazaam and Steel happens
where same said player says he can't be figured out just like the Pythagorean Theorem happens
where nicknames like Birdman happens
where no conspiracies happen
where Tank Johnson would be a choirboy happens

please don't hesitate to add to this list

Oh and Eugene and Dobber... we need to get our predictions back on board this weekend!!! Let's pick some games you bloody wankers. Yep. I said wankers.

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